Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why do we even Divide by One?!

Now I know why an Engineering Bachelor's Degree lasts four years...
So that you can learn the bus route to and from your college!
This realization dawned upon me this very Thursday.

It may sound like a lame joke, but believe me it doesn't seem as stupid and funny when you're at the receiving end!

Throughout my first year I was oblivious of the fact that there were two buses with their route numbers different only by a '/1'. Bus No. 215A is actually the one which is supposed to take me to my destination. And then there is Bus No. 215A/1... which doesn't exactly take me 'very close' to my destination. :P

Anyway after another tiresome day... I got up on the the first bus I found on my route. At a glance the number seemed to be somewhat like a 215... that was good enough...
I cosily settled into a empty seat for another lazy trip back to 'Ultadanga'...
The first time something struck me as odd was when the bus turned left instead of right at a junction... and most importantly no one complained! Now let me tell you, this isn't really a very Kolkata-bus-public-like response... one or two heated words are the least you can expect, but yet I didn't bother too much because in Salt Lake buses are often forced to take detours because of frequent road construction works.
After another half an hour, instead of 'Karunamoyee' we reached 'Beleghata' going over the EM Bypass road. I was sure the bus would take a turn towards 'Ultadanga' at the CIT Road junction... but instead it raced straight ahead towards 'Sealdah'!!!
I shot off my seat at once and tried to maneuver my way through the bustling crowd of passengers (anyone who has been in a bus during office return hours knows what I'm talking about) to the entrance... managing to reach there only when two more stops had passed away! So I somehow managed to jump off at 'Rashmoni Bazar'.

The only silver lining was that I had a bus which takes me directly to my home from there... so finally I did reach home, with a time lag of around an hour...

Some wise guy once quoted... "At every corner life teaches you a lesson"
Wish I had learnt mine at the very first turn! :P

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brother and Sister Harmony!

Happy Raksha Bandhan to every bro-sis duo out there! :)
It really is a wonderful occasion!
This is THE one day, when perhaps we all try to lessen our day-to-day quarrels... atleast try to!:P
I've often heard many say that we don't need a certain day to celebrate something... but the truth is that we do! Most certainly!
After a tedious day of college, when you come back and hear that your sister is coming to meet you from quite far, it does speak a lot. And this is just one of the many reasons I love my cousin sis so much!
The evening was spent playing PC Games with my nephew! After a long time! Although I'm not a big fan of Combat Games like Virtua Fighter, I like playing it with him... because this is perhaps the only game where we are on even terms!
Every single cousin can't always make it... for various reasons... so I have also started getting greetings and 'Rakhi's through mail... through other sister... and even online(from my sisters in the US)!
So altogether a very nice evening!

Not every one sees the sunny side of things though!
I know of a certain brother of mine who kept his cell phone switched off throughout the day... for the fear that some classmate of his might wish him over a text message!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Music's in the Air

This is ridiculous!
Its one of the most 'inexpressible' (well I really can't express it!) feelings in the world!
You spend an hour thinking that you are on the verge of finding out something significant... and at the end, you realize you were on a wild-goose chase all along!
A friend posted some random alphabets on Facebook and I was asked to find out what they meant.
Well they looked like some kind of code so reluctantly I gave it a look, ok... maybe more than just 'a' look!
I tried to find all kinds of sequences that I could come up with, like constant letter differences... number shifting... tried to find names of people related to him... my mind was running wild... even tried to see if the code contained the name of any girl, who maybe he secretly likes!
But alas... what do I find at the end?
Its just the the first letters of an old song's words put together!
I mean... come on... ... ... I'm lost for words again!
I guess I have to learn to ignore things more often!:P

The evening went fine though!
I'm starting to discover a hidden love for Acoustic Guitars these days!
Initially I was like... how quickly can I switch over to an Electric... but now, I don't feel like going through even a day without playing it... even if its only for a few minutes...
Although I hardly know anything and have lots and lots to learn... just the excitement in learning how to play a guitar by yourself keeps me going!
I actually lost interest in it when I first started four years back... I hardly touched the guitar for two years after that... I wasn't too keen on the training exercises... but those (the ones I did... or rather was forced to do) did help a lot!
My first reaction these days is to try and find the arpeggios and chords for any song that I develop a liking for... from the internet obviously... and then well... trying to play it!
Its one of the best ways to relax and at the same time do something useful... atleast thats the way I see it!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Grass 'IS' always Greener on the Other Side

And I thought Second Years got away with everything... or atleast more than the newbies of First Year do!
I was so wrong!
Deep within their hearts (and sometimes not even 'that' deep) every Engineering student knows that the practicals are what matter most...
During our first year, it didn't seem to me that the college bothered too much about our attendance on that one day when we didn't have lab classes... and what happens when we move into Second Year? The very first time this happens, we get warned... and moreover we almost had our practical classes cancelled!
It wasn't a Mass-Bunk... as it was made out to be, each one had their separate reasons...
Although I admit an attendance of 19 out of 60 doesn't seem flattering, we've seen worse-case scenarios.
College is getting hectic with loads of assignments... and I also have to deliver on my promise of 'trying' to study this semester... so I won't have too many other things to share I guess...
Atleast the subjects seem more interesting this year... in a monotonous college life!
But friends make it easier, and I believe that is the only reason I feel like going to college...
So cheers to them! :)
P.S. It doesn't seem like I'll be finding something interesting very soon... so please bear with me! :P

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Being Oblivious of the Aftershock

"Time is the best healer."

You'd hear many a wise person quoting this... and to be fair I agree with them.
However if you're looking for a short-duration alternative, you could always put your money on SLEEP! Yes, thats right... nothing can douse unwanted thoughts the way slumber can.
And if I can count myself as an experimental subject... then I might as well state that the theory is 'Scientifically Proven'! (Well... if the adversitements can use this tag the way they do these days, so can I!)
What I'm driving at is that till yesterday I was still dissapointed over my university results.
I was feeling so tired and exhausted that I even skipped college today.

And as always, when I woke up today (at noon to be precise) the world did seem a lot brighter than the previous day... only in a metaphorical way though... because today the skies were cloudy to say the least!
I had almost forgotten about it, again which I know is not a good thing... 'cause supposedly "These memories should ignite the flame of desire in you for overcoming such future obstacles"... phew... don't worry I didn't make that up... I think I came across something like this in some book.
On a more serious note, this time study will have to come up the priority list!
I know I keep saying this every time (and so do many of my friends)... but this time lets just hope we don't break this resolution... atleast not in the way we usually do... have to give it a try atleast!

Anyway sleep does help... it has helped me even in situations which really were very hard to get over...
Some memories should be left to savour... while some are better forgotten... if only we could...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bolt From the Blue!!!

I knew our university (which goes by the name of WBUT) was unpredictable, but expecting this was far beyond my natural capabilities!
The last thing I had heard about the results was that this time they are going to be delayed... so it had more or less gone off my mind...

The day was going wonderfully well, today was the launch date for Iron Maiden's new album Final Frontier... I went out to watch 'Peepli Live' with friends... an entertaining movie... then we had a feast at 'Zeeshans' with 'Biryani' and I also got my first taste of 'firni' a sweet dish... its absolutely delicious!
Ok... before I deviate any further, lets get back to what we started with...
So after an exhausting day, I came back and as usual logged onto Facebook... and the first thing I found was a post stating that our semester results had come out!
Now, these hoax messages are more than just common, so I just ignored the first one... only to find two more stating the same thing!
They say "Curiosity killed the Cat"... and curiosity did get the better of me...
I logged onto the University website... yes they really had come out... my GPA had come down by quite a fair margin... but to be fair, I had seen it coming!
In all this hustle... I didn't even feel like doing tomorrow's assignments!

Lesson learnt : A good beginning to the day doesn't always ensure a similar end!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Breaking Dawn

First point first!
In no way does the title refer to the Twilight book!
I was never into too much of fantasy...
And I've lost whatever fascination I had with Vampires ever since I saw 'RPatz'(as a friend of mine affectionately calls him) posing as one in the movie series!

Now then...we all know what today is...
Come on... if you're an Indian and you don't have a clue as to what I am talking about, there's something seriously wrong with you!
I don't mean to get aggressive or anything... but when you have loads of college assignments to complete, your mood is not going to be very uplifting!
Am I the only one who finds this ironical in context of today?!

Before going any further let me wish everyone a Very Happy Independence Day!:)
Ok... its been an 'active' day today... if thats the word I want to use!
Woke up at 8am in the morning, this may seem like a normal thing but well, not for me...
The last time I had seen the sun rise was at Tiger Hill near Darjeeling five years ago!
In fact twice within the past year I have woken up to find myself staring at the aura of brilliant reddish sky, only to find that actually the sun was setting down!
My average on a holiday would be somewhere between 11am and noon.

Anyway today was special, because we had the Flag Hoisting Ceremony at our building terrace!
Also there were free sweets on offer... who would miss out on that!
Hey, that wasn't the driving motive or anything... don't get me wrong... I love my country... and I would like to believe that almost everyone does so!
Also we had the inauguration to the our para club Dum Dum Park Bharat Chakra's Durga Pujo preparation (actually the pandal builing)... too bad I wasn't there to witness it.
In the evening we went up to the terrace to play cricket... but as usual it turned into more of a chatting session, not that I'm complaining!
We started off with how a certain junior friend of ours finally mustered up the courage to go up and talk to girls(I'm keeping the names off the charts for now).
Then we passed through things like how Sonam Kapoor looks more like a doll than anything else!
And finally ended off with ghost stories about Jadavpur University and planchette!
We are seriously contemplating the last one though!
Letting a ghost possess you doesn't seem like a bad idea, does it?!:D
But it'll probably end up being more funny than scary... even if we manage to pull off something!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Start

Why on earth am I doing this???!

I keep asking myself... well blogging isn't exactly something I had planned or anything.
But now that I think of it, this must have resulted from the constant influences circling around my life at the moment... recently I seem to have somehow developed this habit of catching onto others' hobbies!
Well the thing is quite a few of my friends already have blogs... some write in diaries... some post their thoughts in FB... some use long text messages (which I'm kind of getting bored of these days)... some talk over phone... and others... well they talk too much throughout the day to have anything left to share!
But still I wasn't too thrilled about the blogging idea...

And then one day came the clinching moment... I stumbled across Anne Frank's Diary!
I know I should have read the book earlier... but since I haven't, lets not go there!
I was simply amazed by the way a small girl could write something as vivid as that!
So it was decided then and there!

As my friends keep telling me, I'm supposedly rather quiet by nature, so a blog might be a nice place to write down a few things once in a while... an online diary of sorts.
It doesn't exactly matter whether anyone comes across this piece or not, its not meant for anyone anyway...
And come to think of it... the lesser the merrier... because its not always the brightest idea to let people know whats going on in your mind!

Well thats it for now... lets see whats in store for the days ahead... :)