This isn't exactly a proper blog post... yet an important one nonetheless!
I havn't visited this page in ages it seems...
I missed you dear 'sitey'... I really did! :'(
When I had started this 'mindless writing spree' of mine, many of my buddies had told me that this wouldn't last for too long...
And I had taken a rather defensive stance to that.
So before you think I've proved them right, let me clarify...
Under 'rigorously, compulsive, demanding and highly obligatory circumstances' (phew... had to work hard to get hold of those words), I was forced to be away from this immensely likable pastime of mine!
I guess thats enough of nice talk... now to point out the defaulter!
Primary culprit... My BSNL Net Connection!
What can I say... when its working at its optimum speed, its seems like one of the most cherished technological wonders in this Universe.
I know thats shameless over-complimenting... but well you get the point.
And when its not...
Lets just say I wasn't exactly fascinated the wise-old saying, "Patience is the Key".
You get the drift...
Even a Broadband user has feelings you know...
I'm getting a stable connection after almost a month now!
So that more or less explains the situation.
I was even starting wondering whether a meticulously thought of master-plan was behind all this!
(Now you know why I called its a 'mindless writing spree'... if you already didn't that is! :P
And by the way the line isn't true, its just there for the 'effect' :D)
After this hopefully the long due posts of Durga Pujo season will follow... soon enough... of course assuming that my Broadband connection provider obliges!
So keeping my fingers crossed!
I know this article turned out to be lame... but can't exactly help it...
And as we say in this part of the world...